Apper 0.9.1 released!

Another mostly bugfix release to make packagers and users happy 🙂

Sadly I needed to change the direction of where I put most of my efforts, which means that I’m focusing more on getting some commercial products done to get bills payed (as fundraising campaigns doesn’t work well all the time). For a long time I’ve been trying to polish everything I could to have the desktop I wanted, but recently I realized that the way I was doing it would never work, first because I’d need to convince people to think like I do, second because no one in free software writes stuff for free, and this took me a lot of time to realize.

Almost everyone writes stuffs for himself, otherwise there’s no pleasure, so unlike companies you can’t tell a free software developer to work on something he/she doesn’t like, which is one explanation for why most of the projects I started received very little help, an important help (don’t get offended) but still I don’t have active developers in Apper*, print-manager, libudisks-qt, colord-kde, aptcc* (* Matthias and some Fedora dudes have added some nice features) and a few others. The KDE community has always been kind to notice my code mistakes or even fix the code by themselves but featurea are a different matter.

Don’t worry I’m not moving to OSX 😛

But for a long time I’ve been building in my mind the Workspace that I want, and with Wayland I realized It would be somehow easy to achieve what I want when speaking of a desktop shell, which would basically be a shell where all widgets are independent process, where a QML compositor just properly place it’s surfaces, Aaron already covered the pros/cons of such approach however I’m stubborn …, I know it’s a huge task to start a new workspace/DE whatever and I’m not going to do that right away (tho I have played with some Wayland code already), instead I’m trying to get my commercial software to pay for it, which might take quite some time 😛

So I just would like to maybe catch someone that cares for some of these stuff I maintain and give a hand, specially on KF5. I don’t yet have KF5 packages ready in my distro and as I said I’m focusing on other stuff, I’ll still maintain them and eventually port them by myself but I’m mostly in bugfix mode 😛 except for Cutelyst which is a project I’m actively working on as I need it for the web stuff I’ve been doing 🙂

A good start is porting print-manager to KF5 which should be rather easy.

And here is hopefully the last Qt4/KDE4 based Apper 😛


Apper 0.9.1 released!

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