Cutelyst 0.7.0 is out and now has a tutorial!

Cutelyst the Qt/C++ web framework just got a new release, 0.7.0 brings many improvements, bugfixes and features.

Most notably of the changes is a shinny new Chained dispatcher that finally got implemented, with it Cutelyst Tutorial got finished, and a new command line tool to bootstrap new projects.

* Request::bodyData() can return a QJsonDocument is content-type is application/json
* Chained dispatcher
* Fixes on QStringListeral and QLatin1String usage
* More debug information
* Some API changes to match Catalyst’s
* Some rework on the API handlying Plugins (not the best thing yet)
* Moved to Gitlab (due to the gitorious being acquired by it)
* “cutelyst” command line tool

For the next release I’ll try to make the QML integration a reality, and try to improve the Plugins API, which is right now the part that needs more love would love to hear some advice.

Download it here.

Have fun!

Cutelyst 0.7.0 is out and now has a tutorial!

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