colord-kde 0.5.0 released!

Last official stable release was done more than 3 years ago, it was based on Qt/KDE 4 tech, after that a few fixes got in what would be 0.4.0 but as I needed to change my priorities it was never released.

Thanks to Lukáš Tinkl it was ported to KF5, on his port he increased the version number to 0.5.0, still without a proper release distros rely on a git checkout.

Since I started writing Cutelyst I had put a break on other open source projects by mostly reviewing a few patches that comes in, Cutelyst allows me to create more stuff that I get paid to do, so I’m using my free time to pick paid projects now. A few months ago Cristiano Bergoglio asked me about a KF5 port, and getting a calibration tool not to depend on gnome-color-manager, and we made a deal to do these stuff.

This new release got a few bugs fixed, pending patches merged and I did some code modernization to make some use of Qt5/C++11 features. Oh and yes it doesn’t crash on Wayland anymore but since on Wayland the color correction is a task for the compositor you won’t be able set an ICC profile for a monitor, only for other devices.

For the next release, you will be able to calibrate your monitor without the need for the GNOME tools.


colord-kde 0.5.0 released!

2 thoughts on “colord-kde 0.5.0 released!

  1. You write: “For the next release, you will be able to calibrate your monitor without the need for the GNOME tools.” Can we still expect that? Display calibration and ICC management is quite important to photographers and designers. Thank you.

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