Cutelyst 1.1.2 released

Cutelyst the C++/Qt Web Framework just got a new release.

Yesterday I was going to do the 1.1.0 release, after running tests, and being happy with current state I wrote this blog post, but before I publish I went to CMS (CMlyst) to paste the same post, and I got hit by a bug I had on 1.0.0, which at time I thought it was a bug in CMlyst, so decided to investigate and found a few other bugs with our WSGI not properly changing the current directory and not replacing the + sign with an ‘ ‘ space when parsing formdata, which was the main bug. So did the fixes tagged as 1.1.1 and today found that automatically setting Content-Length wasn’t working when the View rendered nothing.

Cutelyst Core and Plugins API/ABI are stable but Cutelyst-WSGI had to have changes, I forgot to expose the needed API for it to actually be useful outside Cutelyst so this isn’t a problem (nobody would be able to use it anyway). So API stability got extended to all components now.

Thanks to a KDAB video about perf I finally managed to use it and was able to detect two slow code paths in Cutelyst-WSGI.

The first and that was causing 7% overhead was due QTcpSocket emitting readyRead() signal and in the HttpParser code I was calling sender() to get the socket, turns out the sender() method implementation is not as simple as I thought it was and there is a QMutexLocker which maybe caused some thread to wait on it (not sure really), so now for each QTcpSocket there is an HttpParser class, this uses a little more memory but the code got faster. Hopefully in Qt6 the signal can have a readyRead(QIODevice *) signature.

The second was that I end up using QByteArrayMatcher to match \r\n to get request headers, perl was showing it was causing 1.2% overhead, doing some benchmarks I replaced it by a code that was faster. Using a single thread on my Intel I5 I can process 85k req/s, so things got indeed a little faster.

It got a contribution from a new developer on View::Email, which made me do a new simplemail-qt release (1.3.0), the code there still needs love regarding performance but I didn’t manage to find time to improve it yet.

This new release has some new features:

  • EPoll event loop was added to Linux builds, this is supposedly to be faster than default GLib but I couldn’t measure the difference properly, this is optional and requires CUTELYST_EVENT_LOOP_EPOLL=1 environment to be set.
  • ViewEmail got methods to set/get authentication method and connection type
  • WSGI: can now set TCP_NODELAY, TCP KEEPALIVE, SO_SNDBUF and SO_RCVBUF on command line, these use the same name as in uwsgi
  • Documentation was improved a bit and can be generated now with make docs, which doesn’t require me to changing Cutelyst version manually anymore

And also some important bug fixes:

  • Lazy evaluation of Request methods was broken on 1.0.0
  • WSGI: Fixed loading configs and parsing command line option

Download and have fun!

Cutelyst 1.1.2 released

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