Announcing Virtlyst – a web interface to manage virtual machines

Virtlyst is a web tool that allows you to manage virtual machines.

In essence it’s a clone of webvirtmgr, but using Cutelyst as the backend, the reasoning behind this was that my father in law needs a server for his ASP app on a Win2k server, the server has only 4 GiB of RAM and after a week running webvirtmgr it was eating 300 MiB close to 10% of all available RAM. To get a VNC or SPICE tunnel it spawns websockify which on each new instance around 20 MiB of RAM get’s used.

I found this unacceptable, a tool that is only going to be used once in a while, like if the win2k freezes or goes BSOD, CPU usage while higher didn’t play a role on this.

Choosing a web interface for KVM/libvirt is no easy task, I have used Archipel and while it’s a nice app it is a pain to install, OpenStack is also overly complicated, and had a button labeled as “Terminate” button that deleted the instance entirely. A simple tool that’s specially simple to install was what I needed, and in fact is what a bunch of people need, here at work, OpenStack was also discarded due the hard installation process and a mix of virsh/virt-manager is used.

Since webvirtmgr is a DJango app, using it’s html templates was a breeze, Grantlee didn’t work with them out of the box, it has a few missing features but one can work around those, libvirt API is also quite well documented so development was quite fast, it took me 3 weeks but could easily be reduced to less than 2 if I had a bit more time.

So Virtlyst v1.0.0 is out, it uses less than 10MiB of RAM, and implements the VNC/SPICE web socket proxy in the same process thus each connections increases a almost nothing of memory usage. The software is already in production, and has all features of webvirtmgr except the migration part, that I plan to add in a future release.

Following the steps of some developer fellows I also created a Patreon account, so if you like what I do and would like to support my work please consider becoming a Patron.

Enough said, go get it!

Announcing Virtlyst – a web interface to manage virtual machines

4 thoughts on “Announcing Virtlyst – a web interface to manage virtual machines

  1. gdamjan says:

    How is it used? 🙂
    I tried `/usr/bin/cutelyst-wsgi2 –application src/ –http-socket :3000` but the login page is empty

    1. dantti says:

      Yeah, todas I am going to add some docs, you just missed –chdir2 path to where there is a root folder
      And take note to the admin password that is created when the db is first created

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