Cutelyst 1.11.0 released!

Cutelyst the Qt Web framework got a new release, this is likely to be the last of the year and will be one of lasts releases of the 1.x.x series. I’d like to add HTTP/2 support before branching 1.x.x and having master as 2.0 but I’m not yet sure I’ll do that yet.

For the next year I’d like to have Cutelyst 2 packaged on most distros soon due Ubuntu’s LTS being released in April, and H2 might delay this or I delay it since it can be done using a front-end server like Nginx.

The 1.11.0 version includes three new plugins written by Matthias Fehring, a Memcached plugin that simplifies talking to a memcached server, a memcached based session store, that stores session information on the memcached server, and a static compressed plugin to serve compressed versions of static files.

Besides that I extended the EngineRequest class to serve as a base class for Engine’s requests allowing to get rid of some ugly casts and void pointers that carry the real request/connection. This doesn’t affect user code as long as they don’t implement their own engine.

Setting a Json reply is now a bit simpler now that two overloads directly accepting QJsonObject and QJsonArray were added.

Cutelyst license preamble on files was fixed to state it’s LGPLv2.1+, and finally pkg-config is now fully supported.

Go get/break/package/.* it!

Cutelyst 1.11.0 released!

3 thoughts on “Cutelyst 1.11.0 released!

  1. Francesco Riosa says:

    I’ve create a Gentoo ebuild for cutelyst-1.11.0 here:

    with help of a little free time I’ll try some little project
    After that I’ll try to patch the build system to be always _deterministic_ with optional pieces dependant from a config options (uwsgi is one such piece). i.e. if WITH_UWSGI is ON then build with it, fail if it cannot be found and if it’s OFF forget about it even if it exists in the build environment.
    This is usually good practice and will be probably requested by other distro too.
    Completed this I’ll submit to gentoo for inclusion and offer myself as a proxy maintainer

    cheers and thank you for this nice piece of software

    1. dantti says:

      Yes, I realized that this is indeed the best behavior and am trying to add new stuff with that in mind. Without enforcement it’s easy to have an incomplete build due some missing dep.


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